
Accepting responsibility
Decentralized leadership
The decentralized corporate structure with direct responsibilities and authorities promotes competent, practically relevant, and motivated management at our locations. This business-oriented approach facilitates the necessary adaptations to the ever-changing market. Following these values, our leadership is competent, down-to-earth, and close to the people.
Effective service
By increasing the level of service for our customers through high flexibility and short delivery times, our primary objective is to increase the level of service. Highest product quality and perfect service form the basis for implementing our idea of an economically and ecologically sustainable corporate responsibility. This is achieved through attractive working conditions and motivated, competent employees who constantly strive for efficiency and innovative solutions.
The leadership's principle of action
For Kaindl, acting in accordance with the principles of responsible, sustainable value-added management is a claim that includes all divisions of the company. Transparent reporting and corporate communication, corporate management geared to the interests of all stakeholders, the trusting cooperation of the owner with managing directors and employees as well as compliance with applicable law are essential cornerstones of the corporate culture.
Committed to nature
Surrounded by unique nature in the vicinity of our production plants in Salzburg, Kaindl has always felt especially committed to the environment. Compliance with the legal regulations as well as the state of the art in environmental protection is only a minimum requirement for us. Our goal, on the other hand, is to continuously improve our environmental performance.
Our environmental policy:
• Set standards for environmental protection.
• Continuous improvement of environmental performance through the use of the best available technology.
• Conversion to renewable energies, as far as possible (biogenic instead of fossil).
• Reduction of all environmentally relevant production emissions.
• Development of innovative environmentally friendly products.
• Moving factory and freight traffic to the railways, wherever possible.

Ecological milestones at Kaindl
Environmental protection and sustainability have been key principles at Kaindl ever since the company's foundation. That is why we continuously improve our products and infrastructure and have achieved important milestones along the way:
- 1990: Installation of state of the art electric filters to clean exhaust air
- 1999: Conditioning of waste water in bio-scrubbers
- 2000: Recovery of industrial heat for 3,000 homes
- 2003: New installation of the Kaindl Cargo Shuttle: works traffic moved from road to rail
- 2006: Large-scale conversion from fossil fuels to biomass
- 2013: Consumption of heat energy reduced by 20% since 2005
- 2014: Reclaimed wood reaches a purity of 99.8% through recycling
- 2016: CO2 emissions at the Salzburg plant halved since 2013
- 2017: Lungötz plant converted to liquefied natural gas (LNG)
- 2019: Modernization and conversion to state-of-the-art measuring techniques in the Salzburg laboratory.
- 2020: Retrofit to energy-efficient LED lighting
- 2021: Optimization of plant traffic and changeover of the Kaindl shuttle to electricity from hydropower, so that it is CO2-neutral to run.

Routine inspections and certifications
Kaindl products fulfil the strictest quality and environmental standards – a statement made not by us, but by numerous independent test institutes. Read here which institutes routinely inspect and certify our products and about Kaindl's involvement in associations.
Kaindl is a member of the following institutions:
- European Producers of Laminate Flooring (EPLF)
- Fachverband der Holzindustrie Österreich
- Pro Holz
- North American Laminate Floor Association (NALFA)
Kaindl products are routinely tested by independent institutes
- Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research WKI
- OETI Österreichisches Textilforschungsinstitut - Austrian Textile Research Institute
- ISEGA Declarations of no objection
- LGA Product testing and certification
- IBS Fire protection technology and safety research
- RAL product-related environmental seal "Blauer Engel"
- CE Directives
- IHD Institute for Wood Technology in Dresden
- eco-INSTITUT testing product emissions and indoor air quality
- TÜV PROFICERT certification procedure for floor coverings under health and quality criteria, among others